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Sessione Pomeriggio: Asta Charta - Libri dal XV al XIX secolo, Manoscritti e Autografi - II
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Sessione Pomeriggio: Asta Charta - Libri dal XV al XIX secolo, Manoscritti e Autografi
12 December 2024
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SINGLE SESSION: 12/12/2024 Hours 15:30
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Attardi Ugo
Beverini Bartolomeo
Chiaraviglio Carlo Maria
Clairaut Alexis Claude
Coxe William
Da Masserano Giuseppe Maria
Da Osimo Agostino
DʹArgentano Luigi Francesco
De Azevedo Emanoel
Deʹ Rossi Giovanni Gherardo
Degli Oddi Longaro
Eliot George
Fortunato da Brescia
Genovesi Antonio
Giannone Pietro
Gibbon Edward
Granelli Giovanni
Hume David
Leti Gregorio
Manzini Giovanni Battista
Marchesi Francesco
Mastri Bartolomeo
Mazzinelli Alessandro
Morei Michele Giuseppe
Nannini Remigio
Nardi Jacopo
Nespolo Ugo
Nicoselli Anastasio
P. Stefano da Cesena
Panigarola Francesco
Paulet Jean Jacques
Sarpi Paolo
Segneri Paolo
Trento Francesco
Aquila, Tip. Grossi, 1833.
Madrid, Egeria, 2009
Milano, Franco Maria Ricci, 20 ..
Milano, Franco Maria Ricci, 20 ..
Napoli, Omnia Arte
Nov'Arte Italia, Turi (BA), 20 ..
Roma, Editalia, 2015.
Torino, UTET Grandi Opere, 201 ..
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0 €
2000 €
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151 - 180 of 236 LOTS
Giovanni Battista Manzini
(Bologna, 1599 - Bologna, 1664)
Delle lettere del Sig. Commendatore D. Gio. Battista Manzini. Volume primo.
Pubblicazione: Bologna, presso Gio. Battista Ferroni, 1646 Volume formato 4°antico, rilegato in pergamena coeva [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Calendario di corte per lʹanno 1827.
Pubblicazione: Torino, Stamperia Reale, 1827 Volume formato 16°, rilegato in pelle coeva, titolo e fregi in [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Bartolomeo Beverini
(Lucca, 1629 - Lucca, 1686)
Prediche, discorsi e lezioni del padre Bartolomeo Beuerini sacerdote lucchese.
Pubblicazione: Vienna, per Gio. Eichario Herd, 1691 Volume formato 4° antico, rilegato in mezza pelle ottocentesca, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 20,00
Starting price
Place bid
Bartolomeo Mastri
(Meldola, 1602 - Meldola, 1673)
Theologia moralis ad mentem dd. Seraphici, & Subtilis concinnata et indisputationes vigintiocto dis [..]
Pubblicazione: Venezia, Herd, 1688 Volume in-folio, rilegato in pergamena coeva pp. [32], 771, [29] Esemplare [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
DʹArgentano Luigi Francesco
Conferenze teologiche e spirituali sopra le grandezze di Dio
Pubblicazione: Vercelli, Giuseppe Panialis, 1777-1778. Tre volumi formato 4°, rilegati in mezza pelle coeva, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Gregorio Leti
(Milano, 1630 - Amsterdam, 1701)
Il nipotismo di Roma, ouero Relatione delle raggioni che muovono i pontefici, allʹaggrandimento deʹ ni [..]
Pubblicazione: S.l., S.n., 1667. [Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, 1667] Volume formato 24°, pp. [46], 380 Legatura [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Fortunato da Brescia
(Brescia, 1710 - Madrid, 1754)
Elementa Matheseos
Pubblicazione: Brescia, Ex Typographia Joannis Maria Rizzardi, 1757 Volume formato 8°, rilegato in cartonato [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Officia Propria Sanctorum
Pubblicazione: Roma, Ex Typographia Rev. Camerae Apostolicae, 1731. volume formato 12°, rilegato in pergamena [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Raccolta di panegirici sopra tutte le festività di Nostro Signore...
Pubblicazione: Venezia, Francesco Pi3eri, 1769. volume formato 4°, rilegato in pergamena coeva pp. [8], [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
La vera religione interiore
Pubblicazione: S.l., S.n., 1784 V olume formato 16°, rilegato in mezza pelle coeva pp. [12], 166 [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Giovanni Gherardo Deʹ Rossi
Volume formato 16°, rilegato in mezza pelle coeva, titolo e fregi in oro al dorso, pp. 191, esemplare in buone [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Jean Jacques Paulet
Recherches historiques & physiques sur les maladies epizootiques, avec les moyens dʹy remedier, dans [..]
Pubblicazione: Parigi, Ruault, 1775.
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Giovanni Granelli
(1703 - 1770)
Lʹistoria santa dellʹAntico Testamento spiegata in lezioni morali, istoriche, critiche e cronologiche. [..]
Pubblicazione: Venezia, Tommaso Bettinelli
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di cinque volumi formato 8° rilegati in pergamena, comprende:
Martini - VecchioTestamento secondo la volgata - Roma, 1784. Cinque volumi formato 8°, rilegati in pergamena [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 20,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di sette volumi formato 8°, rilegati in mezza pelle coeva
Comprende: 1) Comentarii di C. Giulio Cesare - Milano, 1828. 2) Porzio - Congiura dei baroni del Regno di Napoli [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 25,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Sacrae Rotae Romanae decisiones - Tomo 1°/3°/4° - Roma, 1728. Tre volumi in-folio, rilegati in [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Titolo: Sacrae Rotae Romanae decisiones - Tomo 2°/ Index vol. I°/II° - Roma, 1728. Tre volumi [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
comprende: Decisionum S. Rotae Romanae - Tomo 2°/4° - Roma, 1672. Due volumi in-folio, rilegati in pergamena [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Decisionum S. Rotae Romanae - Tomo 5° - Roma, 1672. Index generalium conclusionum... - Roma, 1735. [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Sacrae Rotae Romanae decisiones - Tomo 2°/ Index vol. I°/II° - Roma, 1727. Tre volumi in-folio, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Belloni - Tractatus de Iure accrescendi, pars secunda. - Torino, 1637. Decisionum diversorum Sacrae [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Giovanni dʹAndrea - In tertium / quartum Decretalium librum commentaria - Venezia, 1581 (primo front. [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di cinque volumi formato 4°
Quattro rilegati in pergamena ed uno in mezza pergamena coeve. Comprende 1) Nuovo dizionario della lingua [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: Graziani- Disceptationum forensium iudiciorum - Tomo III°/IV° - Venezia, 1649. Due volumi in-folio, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due volumi in-folio rilegati in pergamena coeva
Comprende: 1) Nigro - Controversiarum forensium, liber secundus - Venezia, 1644. 2) Nigro - Controversiarum [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due libri: Delle lettere di Monsignor Giorgio Tomasi veneto di Seraualle; Discorsi sacri del [..]
Tomasi, Giorgio, Delle lettere di Monsignor Giorgio Tomasi veneto di Seraualle, protonotario apostolico. [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 20,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di due libri: Selva di varia lettione di Pietro Messia; Martyrologium Romanum
Mexia Pedro, Selva di varia lettione di Pietro Messia. Rinouata, & diuisa in sette parti da Mambrin Roseo, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 30,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di cinque volumi, comprende
1) La Scienza della Salute Eterna - Venezia, 1756. 2) Lʹanima fedele animata dallo spirito di Gesù Cristo - Milano, [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi, comprende:
1) Il terzo libro dellʹopere burlesche di M. Francesco Berni, parte I. - Leida, 1824 2) Panegirici sacri del [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 10,00
Starting price
Place bid
Lotto di tre volumi in pergamena
(uno formato 4° e due formato 12°, in discrete condizioni) comprende: - Pratica delle Missioni del [..]
(The reserve price has not been exceeded)
(The reserve price has been exceeded)
€ 20,00
Starting price
Place bid
151 - 180 of 236 LOTS